The Film-Make-Her, The Lisa Azuelos story Lisa Azuelos is a French Filmmaker who made films placing women’s stories at the center of her movies. She is one of the essential filmmakers in France and is known in the US for her film L.O.L. starring Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore. This is the first documentary dedicated to this unique filmmaker who changed...
BEYLE: The Artist and Her Legacy Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman was a woman whose life and work bridged the old world with the new. Following in the footsteps of her activist father and folk singer mother, she dedicated her life to preserving and transmitting Yiddish language and culture. Her influence reached across continents until her death in 2013, and lives on in a...
BEYLE: The Artist and Her Legacy Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman was a woman whose life and work bridged the old world with the new. Following in the footsteps of her activist father and folk singer mother, she dedicated her life to preserving and transmitting Yiddish language and culture. Her influence reached across continents until her death in 2013, and lives on in a...
Bitter Paradise Jewish sculptor Teresa Feodorowna Ries was born in Budapest on January 30, 1866, and is considered one of Austria’s most influential and important artists. She was not only a celebrated and gifted sculptor, but also a pioneer for women’s rights and emancipation. She was considered a kind of pop star of the time, who cleverly...
In His Image Does a dead man have the right to become a father? Do parents who have lost their son have the right to become grandparents after his death? In Israel, the drive to procreate has taken on an extra dimension. In His Image follows the bereaved parents of three young Israeli men as they attempt to...
Give it Back! Olivia is a 12 year old immigrant from New York. She is trying to find her place in the new world she just landed in, Israeli society. Instantly she connects with Alem, an Ethiopian boy who sits next to her in class. It doesn’t take long for her to realize that their friendship is social...
Give it Back! Olivia is a 12 year old immigrant from New York. She is trying to find her place in the new world she just landed in, Israeli society. Instantly she connects with Alem, an Ethiopian boy who sits next to her in class. It doesn’t take long for her to realize that their friendship is social...
Four Mothers Israel is a war-ridden country that has claimed tens of thousands of victims. Over the years the public has leaned on the ethos of sacrifice. Generations of mothers send their sons to war without asking questions. They play their assigned roles. This film tells the story about the first time a female civil movement challenged...
Shockwaves While the kids in her class went to the local country club, she went to swim with the amputees. Her “vacation resort” was full of handicapped people in wheelchairs and it didn’t seem to bother her at all. On the contrary, she was fascinated by them. How do they struggle to live every day life...
Neurim A strange awkward relationship develops between Orr, a 30 year old wheelchair user after an injury, and her new physiotherapist that brings new breezes of desire to her daily routine rehabilitation at her mother’s house. Shaylee Atary, director of the film and main actress, was born in 1989 in Israel. In 2015 Shaylee released a...