The Film-Make-Her, The Lisa Azuelos story Lisa Azuelos is a French Filmmaker who made films placing women’s stories at the center of her movies. She is one of the essential filmmakers in France and is known in the US for her film L.O.L. starring Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore. This is the first documentary dedicated to this unique filmmaker who changed...
My Silence Ended With a Rhyme Sarah Pogreb is a phenomenon of world literature. She started writing poetry at the age of 60 and immediately received recognition from prominent Russian poets David Samoilov and Yuri Levitansky. Sarah was “discovered” by the famous actor Zinovy Gerdt who admired her work until the end of his life. In 1991, at the age of...
Claire Klein Osipov – Life Sung Yiddishly In her own words, Claire Klein Osipov, one of Canada’s foremost singers of Yiddish song, presents her six-decade journey as a performer from her early days in Toronto to her later days in Vancouver in community, theatrical and televisual venues.
Searching for Mr. Rugoff The feature documentary “Searching for Mr. Rugoff” is the story of Donald Rugoff, who was the crazy genius behind Cinema 5, the mid-century theater chain and film distribution company. Rugoff was a difficult (some would say impossible) person but was also the man who kicked art films into the mainstream with outrageous marketing schemes and...