Marry Me However The film Marry Me However tells the stories of LGBT men and women who, for religious reasons, decided to marry against their own sexual orientation, comply with the Torah laws and be accepted into their families and religious communities. The characters experience a journey of self-acceptance and social activism, as they try to affect a...
In Your Eyes The film follows the less-known aspects of the lives of four “web stars” – Israeli YouTubers: Moti Taka, one of the busiest singers in Israel today, who visits Ethiopia for the first time with his mother Dalia. Suzi Boum, aka Lior Israelov, a successful, well-known drag queen, who was born and raised in a religious...
Sahara Zahara Abu Jamal, 19, lives in the territories, She is engaged in a match for old man from Israel. Zahara decides to try and torpedo the engagement meeting. During the search of the security check in the darkest and most gray place, She reveals her sexuality whit Shani the checkpoint commander.