The Film-Make-Her, The Lisa Azuelos story Lisa Azuelos is a French Filmmaker who made films placing women’s stories at the center of her movies. She is one of the essential filmmakers in France and is known in the US for her film L.O.L. starring Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore. This is the first documentary dedicated to this unique filmmaker who changed...
BEYLE: The Artist and Her Legacy Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman was a woman whose life and work bridged the old world with the new. Following in the footsteps of her activist father and folk singer mother, she dedicated her life to preserving and transmitting Yiddish language and culture. Her influence reached across continents until her death in 2013, and lives on in a...
BEYLE: The Artist and Her Legacy Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman was a woman whose life and work bridged the old world with the new. Following in the footsteps of her activist father and folk singer mother, she dedicated her life to preserving and transmitting Yiddish language and culture. Her influence reached across continents until her death in 2013, and lives on in a...
Bitter Paradise Jewish sculptor Teresa Feodorowna Ries was born in Budapest on January 30, 1866, and is considered one of Austria’s most influential and important artists. She was not only a celebrated and gifted sculptor, but also a pioneer for women’s rights and emancipation. She was considered a kind of pop star of the time, who cleverly...
Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community ‘Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community’ is an 8-part documentary series on the history and contribution of South African Jews.
Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community ‘Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community’ is an 8-part documentary series on the history and contribution of South African Jews.
THROUGH THE DARKNESS THROUGH THE DARKNESS illuminates the relationship between two Jewish Austrian artistic geniuses: a story that would change their lives and modern culture forever. In 1907, the aspiring composer Arnold Schoenberg made friends with the brilliant and unknown painter Richard Gerstl. Gerstl and Schoenberg not only shared a passion for art, but also a love for...
Out of Exile – The Photography of Fred Stein “Out of Exile– the Photography of Fred Stein” asks the question: How can these iconic photographs be so familiar, yet no one knows the name of the photographer? It begins in upheaval: exiled from Nazi Germany, Fred Stein finds himself in 1930s Paris, destitute. He looks for a way to support himself – photography. And...
The United States of Fashion Designer Elie Tahari Fashion Designer and Mogul Elie Tahari, has been living the American Dream for more than 50 years. He came to New York, from Israel, in 1971 with less than $100 in his pocket, slept on benches in Central Park, and went on to build a billion-dollar fashion empire. “The United States of Elie Tahari” is...