Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community ‘Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community’ is an 8-part documentary series on the history and contribution of South African Jews.
Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community ‘Legends & Legacies: A Story of a Community’ is an 8-part documentary series on the history and contribution of South African Jews.
What She Lost What She Lost is the second episode of a documentary series in which the stories of the Holocaust are shared by the 2nd and 3rd Generations.
What She Lost What She Lost is the second episode of a documentary series in which the stories of the Holocaust are shared by the 2nd and 3rd Generations.
Nina’s Children Nina’s Children tells the story about a Jewish orphanage in Oslo during World War II, and Nina Hasvoll Meyer, the woman who rescued the children and became like a mother to them. The children came to Oslo in 1938 and 1939 from Austria and Czechoslovakia. One of the children is the film directors father, Berthold...
The Long-lost Cheiderbook When eight-year-old Lily, arrives at her weekly cheider school – where she learns about Jewish religion and traditions, she meets up with the mysterious priest, Arne, who has found something peculiar to be returned. But entering the Jewish community, as an outsider, is not easy. Soon the two of them are locked up in the...
CAPTURED In the film Captured, filmmakers Arnoud Holleman and Batya Wolff show how photography and film are intertwined with the after-effects of the Holocaust in Batya’s family. Her father Max Wolff (1926) bought a camera after the war and now preserves tens of thousands of “moments” in an enormous image archive. Photography was his coping mechanism...
Four Mothers Israel is a war-ridden country that has claimed tens of thousands of victims. Over the years the public has leaned on the ethos of sacrifice. Generations of mothers send their sons to war without asking questions. They play their assigned roles. This film tells the story about the first time a female civil movement challenged...
A Lullaby for the Valley On huge canvases, Eli Shamir captures the breathtaking vistas of his home–the Jezreel Valley. A chance encounter spawns the idea for a documentary about Shamir’s work–until a serious disease threatens to cut short his career. This is a film about painting, nature and an inspirational human struggle.
Blind Spot A group of fathers of children with cancer set out on a journey in Romania. Their children’s illness reveals the difficulty of being connected to their feelings, the difficulty of revealing and being exposed and the difficulty of crying. For the first time in their lives they are forced to admit their vulnerability.