Nina’s Children Nina’s Children tells the story about a Jewish orphanage in Oslo during World War II, and Nina Hasvoll Meyer, the woman who rescued the children and became like a mother to them. The children came to Oslo in 1938 and 1939 from Austria and Czechoslovakia. One of the children is the film directors father, Berthold...
The Long-lost Cheiderbook When eight-year-old Lily, arrives at her weekly cheider school – where she learns about Jewish religion and traditions, she meets up with the mysterious priest, Arne, who has found something peculiar to be returned. But entering the Jewish community, as an outsider, is not easy. Soon the two of them are locked up in the...
Neurim A strange awkward relationship develops between Orr, a 30 year old wheelchair user after an injury, and her new physiotherapist that brings new breezes of desire to her daily routine rehabilitation at her mother’s house. Shaylee Atary, director of the film and main actress, was born in 1989 in Israel. In 2015 Shaylee released a...
Ida’s dance club The film is great for the Corona -days, for senior citizens all over the world that will enjoy a film that will lift their spirits. Once a year in Ida’s club, a ballroom dancing competition takes place. All the competitors are way past retirement age, but that doesn’t stop them from dancing and singing, to...
Naturalized An Americanized Russian immigrant battles his overbearing family for the right to undergo the ultimate rite. —– It is a little known fact that Russian Jews did not practice circumcision during Communist rule and very few have resumed the tradition after the fall of the Soviet Union. Having immigrated as a little boy, our protagonist,...
Yonatan’s Platoon A coming of age story in which Yonatan, the main protagonist, is faced with confronting his recent experience in the army by asking a group of people questions relative to their own experience. Yonatan’s story is paralleled by a series of interviews with three separate people, each representing a different period that Yonatan experienced in...