Can films be booked, paid for and delivered via JFilmBox?
No. Unfortunately, these features are currently unavailable due to modifications on the site.
What is JFilmBox?
JFilmBox offers a one-stop-platform that connects between makers and presenters (festivals) of Jewish and Israeli films. This one-of-its kind service allows both filmmakers and presenters to save time in a hassle-free process, along with maintaining high industry standards for film selection, pricing, and presentation of participating films.
What is the JFilmBox BETA version?
JFilmBox has just recently come to life. Before launching officially we want to make sure all the features and services are working properly, while best accommodating the site to your needs. In order to do so we have launched the JFilmBox BETA testing version – a fully functional website that allows you to explore the service, give us your feedback and use it for FREE!
During the BETA stage we are inviting you to join the site FREE of all membership and registration fees.
Please join, test out the site and let us know your thoughts, suggestions and comments in order to help us improve and make it a better platform: info@jfilmbox.org
How do I sign up to JFilmBox?
We love new members! To join please click on this link, choose “I am a Film Presenter” or “I am a Rights Owner” and then fill in the requested info to register to the site.
After signing up you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration (please allow a few minutes for it to arrive). Once you confirm your account you will be able to add information to your profile and start using the JFilmBox service.
How much does a membership cost?
All films uploaded during our BETA testing version of the site will be FREE of all membership and registration fees for their entire presented on the JFilmBox website (up to 2 years from first screening at a Jewish themed film program).
What is my Inbox for? – NEW
You can now message any other user on the site, festival or film, at any time!
Use your inbox to reach out to presenters/rights owners, to keep track of conversations with films and festivals, and to discuss any screening terms regarding booking request.
That is also where you will receive and make booking requests and keep track of your screening fee negotiation status.
You can compose a new message to any user (rights owner or presenter) who is signed up to the site, by going to “My Dashboard” –> “Inbox” and clicking on “Compose” to send a new message. Then start typing in the title of the film or the name of the festival you would like to connect with in the “To” field, choose the correct recipient from the drop down list, type in your message and click “Send”.
How can I find information about upcoming Jewish film festivals? – NEW
You can now locate international Jewish film festivals by month, location or name. Simply go to the “festivals” tab on the top menu on the site and adjust the filters in the search engine to find exactly the festivals you are looking for by “location”, “date”, “year”, or by typing in the festival name on the search field.
How can I find a festival by month? – NEW
Go to the “Festivals” tab in the main menu on the site and use the arrows on to the visual festival calendar to scroll between the Jewish film festivals that take place each month. Click on the festival icon in the calendar or the festival name in the list beside it to find out more info on each festival’s page.
How long are films presented on JFilmBox?
Films can be presented and booked through the JFilmBox website for up to 2 years from first becoming available to the Jewish film market. After this time the film page will be removed from the site.
Who owns and operates JFillmBox?
JFilmBox is a collaborative project between the JCC Manhattan (representing the Jewish Film Presenters Network) in the USA, and Green Productions in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Film Presenter
What does a Presenter membership include? – NEW
As a presenter, signing up to the site allows you to:
- Browse and preview all films on the site for screening consideration.
- Browse and receive information on all signed up Jewish film presenters.
- Message other Jewish film presenters and films at any time.
- Contact rights owners directly to discuss the films, screenings, deliveries, etc…
- Create and edit your Wishlist
- Access the Message Board – add new messages and comment on posts.
- Create additional sub user accounts for your selection committee and other staff members.
How do I create a wishlist? – NEW
You can now add films to your wishlist simply by clicking the “star” icon on the film poster or listing on the main page.
You can see the full list of films added to your wishlist by going to “My Dashboard” → “Wishlist”. If you add a film to your wishlist that isn’t yet available for booking, you will receive an email once it becomes available.
How can other members of my festival staff/selection committee access JFilmBox? – NEW
You can now grant your festival staff and selection committee members access to JFilmBox by adding users to your JFilmBox account!
When logged in, click on “Manage Users” on the top right corner blue menu on the site. Click on “Add User” and enter the name, role, email address and assign the new user a password of their own. As account admin, you can customize the features each added user would have access to. To grant access to a feature, check the correct box to allow added user to:
The new user will receive an email asking them to confirm their account. Please only share the password with that user.
In order to remove a user from your account and deny them access to it, go to “Manage Users” and click on the “X” (“Remove User”) button next to their name.
Film Rights Owner
What does my Rights-Owner membership include? – NEW
As a rights owner, signing up to the site allows you to:
- Create a film page to grant Jewish film presenters direct access to preview and book your film.
- Browse and receive information on all signed up Jewish film presenters.
- View information on other films on the site.
- Message Jewish film presenters and other rights owners at any time.
- Receive email notification when a Jewish film presenter views your screener on the site.
How do I upload a film to JFilmBox?
Simply open an account and create a film page!
Once you sign up as a user go to “My Dashboard” and “Add Film”. Fill out all the required fields, add information, materials and a link to your screener, trailer and social media pages and submit your film to the JFilmBox website for approval by clicking “Done”. It’s that simple.
You can also enter as much information as you want and click “Save and continue later” to complete and submit the film on a later date.
JFilmBox will review your film submission and confirm it’s upload to our site. We do not require any exclusivity, only that the film has not been available to the Jewish film market for over 2 years.
If you have multiple films you’d like to submit simply create another film page by clicking “Add a film”, and submit as many projects as you’d like.
Remember, you can edit your film pages at anytime by clicking “Edit film details” when accessing your film page from “My Dashboard” .
How can I make my screener secure?
No on-line service is 100% secure from a highly determined hacker. However, you can help protecting your screener by using any video sharing platform that password protects screeners and allows for “domain-level privacy” security. With domain-level privacy, you can specify JFilmbox as the only site permitted to embed your video. This will prevent your video from streaming on unauthorized sites.
We recommend you use the Vimeo secure system which will protect your content more effectively than posting to unsecured sites or sending DVD screeners via mail. Vimeo is a low cost and effective service that offers easy to use domain-level privacy settings, as well as other privacy functions to keep screening copies safe and secure. If you do not have a Vimeo account you can easily sign up through Vimeo.com. You will need to sign up for a “PRO” level account to use these security services mentioned above.
To set up domain-level privacy on Vimeo, head to the video page and click on “Settings” below the video player. From there, click over to the “Privacy” tab. In the “Where can this video be embedded?” section, select “Only on sites I choose,” then add the JFilmbox URL: www.jfilmbox.org
To prevent your videos from being downloaded by others, go to your Vimeo Video Settings page, then click the Privacy tab. From there, un-check the box next to “Download the video” and SAVE.
If you’re a PRO member, you can activate or deactivate Private Mode from your Account Settings. Simply scroll down to the “Private Mode” section, check the box that says “Activate / Deactivate Private Mode,” and then save your changes.
For additional protection, you may want to watermark your screener “FOR SCREENING PURPOSES ONLY”.
How do I submit my film to festivals?
By creating a film page and placing your films on the JFilmBox website you are offering your film for consideration to all presenters signed up to JFilmBox.
Festivals can visit your film page, preview your screener and materials and send you a message if they are interested in booking a screening or discussing the film. When a festival views your screener you will receive email notification and a notification on “My Dashboard”.
How can I know who’s watching my film?
Starting 1/12/2017, you will receive an email notification when a presenter has viewed your film screener. You can also log-in to JFilmBox and see the list of presenters that have previewed your screener on JFilmBox.
Please remember: a presenter viewing your film does not guarantee a booking.
Do Rights-Owners have access to view films?
Unfortunately no, screenings and reviews are for Presenters only.
The Message Board
What is the Message Board? – NEW
Our latest addition to the site – THE MESSAGE BOARD*, allows festivals to connect with each other by posting internal public messages and comments.
Post messages about guest sharing (guests you want to invite or have invited and would like to split the travel costs for), special announcements, special programs and anything else you would like to consult on.
To post a new message*, go to Message Board, click on “Add new message”, then select the message type, fill in the information and click on “post”. All messaged will be reviewed for approval before published on the site.
* Available only to signed up film presenters.
Who can access the Message Board? – NEW
In order to protect your privacy, only pre-approved Jewish film presenters that have a JFilmBox account and are logged-in to the site can access the message board and its features. Other users, such as rights owners (filmmakers and distributors), will not have access to the message board.
How can I respond to a post on the message board? – NEW
You can either:
- Respond publicly on the message board feed by clicking “comment” and typing your comment post. After your message is approved, it will be visible to all Jewish film presenters logged-in to the site.
- Respond privately to the presenter who posted the message by clicking “message user” and sending a direct private message, that will then appear in your Inbox.
How do I sort through the different message types? – NEW
In order to see only specific message types, you can click on the colorful buttons on the top of the message board page, to filter the displayed messages by:
- Guest speakers
- Festival program
- Special announcement
- General
To view all messages by date, click on “All message types”.