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Need an Invite? JFilmBox is seeing qualified Film Presenters to join during our beta stage for free! Click on the button below to request your free VIP CODE (subject to approval) to access the full JFilmBox site.
Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter the name of the company/film you are representing.
Enter a valid email address which will be the username linked to your account. This address will be used to send you updates and booking requests regarding your uploaded films.
Enter a password you’ll be using to access your account.
Re-enter password.
Enter the email with which you are registered to PayPal. We will use your PayPal account to transfer your screening payments to you.
Enter your role in the production of the film. For a role which does not appear on the list, choose “Other”.
Enter the name of the company or festival you are representing.
Enter a valid email address which will be the username linked to your account. This address will be used to send you updates and messages regarding your screening requests and activity on the site.
Re-enter your password.